Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Guns and Halloween. Positive and Negative.

Negative: Guns.
I chose this image of 3 young girls holding guns as a negative image. This is to represent gun crime in America which is currently a big problem. There has been over 50 school shootings since Columbine and many other crimes featuring guns including a five year old accidentally shooting and killing his two year old sister with the rifle he got for his birthday. Some would argue that guns are not a problem and that having them helps people protect themselves from danger but other countries with legislation against guns have much lower gun crime.

Positive: Halloween.
I chose this image of Halloween as a positive image. Halloween is a great way for kids and adults to become something they're not for a day and take part in many activities such as trick or treating, Apple bobbing, pumpkin carving and much more. Even though this day did not originate in America and can be traced back to Ireland before the middle ages, it is huge in the states compared to other places such as the UK. In contrast Halloween could also be seen as dangerous because children are knocking on strangers doors, and bad things have happened in the past such as people putting razor blades in candy. In my opinion Halloween is a great festive day for everyone to experience whether it's through trick or treating, partying, or staying in and watching scary movies.

Positive and Negative American Images

Negative Image

I chose this as a negative image because we do have a pretty big drinking problem in the United States. Every year many people in the US die from drunk driving accidents. Even from a young age we are confronted with this issue. Another problem we have in the US that relates to alcohol is underage drinking. The drinking age is 21. A lot of people under that age go out to parties and get wasted thinking they are cool for drinking underage. A lot of times this starts when students start college (uni) and are away from their parents for the first time, but sometimes is starts even younger like around age 15 or 16. Drinking even leads to negative stereotypes for groups such as sororities and fraternities. Yes, they drink and have a good time, but it's nothing like what's portrayed in the media. These groups actually have a huge focus on philanthropy.

Positive Image

I chose an image of Thanksgiving dinner as a positive iconic American picture. I chose it because Thanksgiving is one of those happy family holidays. The family comes together to visit, cook, and eat a delicious meal. It's also a good holiday that celebrates everything one is thankful for. After dinner many Americans gather around the tv to watch American Football. Overall, I believe it's a great holidays that brings families and Americans together. It also gets people to start getting into the Christmas spirit. Especially since Black Friday is the day after, and there are usually pretty good sales on Christmas gifts.

positive & negative

I would say this image represents the negative side of America. It was made in response to an American-Indian winning this year's Miss America pageant, and suggests that a woman has to hold to stereotypical American ideals in order to be a real American woman - and, of course, be white! It showcases a rather exclusionary attitude held by many Americans, a hostility to things that are different or unusual that has led to many sordid episodes in America's history and is currently one of the things responsible for the discrimination faced by homosexuals. The fact that one of the images displays her in military gear is also telling, especially as it is paired with the caption "loves her country" - patriotism and the military seem to go hand in hand to some Americans.

While this is something of a clichéd choice, I feel this image - of American astronauts landing on the moon - appropriately represents the better part of American culture as it is the ultimate expression of the mythical American dream: anyone can achieve anything if they are determined & driven enough, even if this drive comes from nothing more than a desire to beat the competition (in this case, Russia) and be #1. The American flag still stands on the moon to this day as a testament to the constructive power America's infamous patriotism can have on its people.

Positive- Hollywood

The image of the Hollywood sign is one of the most famous icons in the world. The sign is known in most places around the world and attracts million of people there every year. The sign has been in countless films and TV programmes set in Hollywood over the years, and i believe its as much of an icon as the Statue of Liberty or the Empire State Building. Many people associate America with just Hollywood and visit America thinking it is all glamour and fame. The sign represents the media industry,which surrounds the west coast, and the way in which America wants to be viewed as a social power from the rest of the world.

Negative- Twin Towers

The attack on the twin towers in 2001 was and is an iconic moment within American history, and to the rest of the world. The icon of the twin towers is a negative one, however it is still recognisable to the rest of the world. Children who weren't even born when the towers were attacked learn about that day at school and there are thousands of news articles and media images about it online. Although the twin towers aren't there anymore, ground zero is one of the most visited sites within the world and there are memorial services held every year for the people that America and the world lost. When you think of America (as well as the positives) you also think about the negatives i.e. slavery and the twin towers attack was a pivotal moment in American history.

America - Positive and Negative 

Positive: Although the image I have chosen occurred at a highly negative event, the Boston Bombings, I believe this image reflects a positive outlook on American society. Carlos Arredondo runs alongside the injured man firmly grasping the wounded mans artery, saving his life. I think this iconic image sheds a positive outlook on America in the face of devastation. 

Negative: However, in contradiction to the previous image, certain parts of American society are shown not to be as united against outside threats i.e. the Boston Bombings. The Westboro Baptist Church launched a campaign to picket the funerals of those lost in the tragedy of the Boston Marathon Bombings.

Monday, 23 September 2013

Welcome to the blog for AM1111 for your group. For the first exercise, post any TWO images which are iconic of “America.” Choose one positive, the other negative and explain your choice in 150 words or so Please don't link to images - post them to the blog as images (use the picture icon that shows at the top of the page when you start a new post.)