I found this page to be really interesting. It's written by someone from 'Buzzfeed UK's' website and it lists 19 different things British people believe Americans are obsessed with. Being an American I found some of these to be true and some of them to be false. Some of the things on the list I haven't even heard of. There is also a mix of positive, negative, and even neutral obsessions of Americans. One obsession I thought was positive was the tipping one. I think it's nice that Americans leave tips to let the waiters and waitresses know they did a good job, especially because they get paid less than minimum wage. Though this isn't all correct because if people receive bad service they aren't going to tip the waiter or waitress. One obsession listed that struck me as negative was the one about extreme snacking. It shows the stereotype of Americans being an obese country. Also, I've never eaten or seen a Snickers bar that big. Numbers 10 and 11 add to the obesity stereotype as well because they talk about pie and combining different types of food. I do agree that Americans like food and we do eat a lot of it, but I think this page exaggerates it a bit. For example, I'm not a very big fan of pie. Personally, I only like Pumpkin pie.
Overall, this page is really intriguing to look at and see what Brits think of the US, but I don't think it's a very valid page. Some of the things on this page could be true. I do love my Disney Princesses and I have a lot of female friends who love them, but there are other things that are wrong. I've already given examples about how some of those perceived obsessions were incorrect like the Snickers bar and tipping. It's still a cool page to think about though.
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