I chose to research the observations that George Percy made in the Jamestown Settlement, 1607-1625. The document I chose describes the first expedition in considerable detail and notes their first contact with Native Americans.
George Percy was born September 4,1580, the youngest so of the Earl of Northumberland. Percy was a soldier in the Netherlands until his first expedition to England's new colony, Virginia. He served as president of the Jamestown colony from September 1609 to May 1610, which was called the 'starving time' since only sixty settlers survived this period. A new governor, Lord de La Ware, brought colonists back to the fort and by 1612 the settlers had begun to grow tobacco, thus transforming the colony into a successful endeavour. After attaining presidency again from March 1611 to April 1612, George Percy left Jamestown and returned to England, serving as a soldier in the English army again.
George Percy gives a very detailed account of the settlement in Virginia. I think his reports of their interaction with the first Indians his colony have met is important when he describes the Native Americans appearance;
"We also gave them Beades, Copper Jewels which they hang through their nosthrils, eares, and lips, very strange to behold. Their bodies are all painted red to keepe away the biting of Muscetos. They goe all naked without covering. The haire of their heade is a yard long, all of a length, pleated in three plats hanging downe to their wastes. They suffer no haire to grow on their faces."
I found this extract to be compelling as the extract is one of the first descriptions people would have had of the Native Americans and the text paints a specific image of the indigenous people that would have been very helpful then as they are still today when imagining their appearance.
Another point that I found important is Percy's description of the Native Americans habits;
"These people and the rest of the Ilands in the West Indies, and Brasill, are called by the names of Canibals, that will eate mans flesh. These people doe poyson their Arrow heads, which are made of a fishes bone. They worship the Devill for their God, and have no other beliefe."
I thought that the negative points that he was making when he calls them cannibals and devil worshippers were important, because although the description that Percy gives of the Native Americans would be what is generally expected, I found his account of their behaviour different to what I would have expected as when I compare his account to something such as the watercolours made by Grenville which tend to reflect the Natives in a more positive light.
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