This is a video from Youtube of a commercial for a product parents can buy that helps children start learning how to read from the early months of their lives. I thought this would be a good modern representation of a quote De Crèvecoeur makes about education.
"If he is a good man, he forms schemes of future prosperity, her proposes to educate his children better than he has been educated himself; he thinks of future modes of conduct, feels an ardour to labour he never felt before" (De Crèvecoeur, 2009, 59).
In that sentence he is saying that Americans should think of the future and should give their children a better education than they themselves have been given. I believe this Youtube video is a good modern example of that because it's showing that parents are still concerned with educating their kids and that by starting early their children will get better grades and be better prepared for when they go off to college (uni) and when they get a job. By starting young children brains will have an easier time learning. Another good example is this picture.

I'm also a good example of this quote. I was brought up to to value my education and do the best that I can. My mum,birth father, and stepfather didn't go to actual college. The closest that one got to going to college was my mum getting a degree from a technical college. My mum and stepdad raised me and did anything they could to help me get to college and have a better education so the I could have a better life than they do. My grand parents were the same way while raising my mum and her sisters and they are even like that with their grandchildren. From my expereicne I believe what De Crèvecoeur says is pretty true for most Americans, though of course not all since there are always exceptions.
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