Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Advert against councilwoman Janice Hahn

This bizarre advert was released during a 2010 campaign for the Los Angeles City Council, and I find it to be a fascinating trainwreck. The messages promoted seem to be racist (implying that only black people are gangsters), anti-communist (the communist iconography that appears almost subliminally throughout the video) and sexist (implying that Janice Hahn is a whore for her scheme). The deep voice, font type and image of her face used also seem to indicate that Hahn is some sort of evil demon, and no attempt is made to present an actual valid counter-argument to her scheme, instead using emotive buzzwords. I believe this advert highlights just how culturally out-of-touch some American politicians seem to be, still believing the public's views to be stuck several decades in the past and not trusting in its political literacy.

As an aside, as someone who listens to hip-hop, the rapping featured was woeful.

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