Against Gun Control -
I chose to use the website above which was published on CNN by LZ Granderson, a CNN contributor who writes a weekly column for; the former Hechinger Institute fellow has had his commentary recognised by the Online News Association, the National Association of Black Journalists and the National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association. He is also a senior writer for ESPN.
The writer argues that gun control is not the answer, and makes specific reference to mass shootings such as Newtown, Aurora, Sandy Hook and the recent Washington Navy Yard. Granderson argues that crime will not be reduced if gun control is put into effect, for example, Granderson states that "Guns shops are illegal in Chicago... yet each week people continue to die in the streets from gunshot wounds." He concludes his argument stating that there is no one solution, and that "gun-control advocates need to abandon the routine of using mass shootings to turn law-abiding citizens into social pariahs and instead focus on something that could work."
Pro Gun Control -
I chose the website indicated above named The website describes itself as the ultimate top 10 list site with
topics such as pop culture, movies, music, history and politics. The article
was published by Dustin Koski a free lance writer and a regular contributor to TopTenz.
Koski produces an argument that is for increasing gun regulation in the United States. In the article, he gives the example of the success of Australia's gun ban; since Australia's mass shooting in Port Arthur (1996), there has not been a mass shooting since, and gun crime over all dropped 59% in the past decade. Koski also contributes the point that guns are counterproductive in home defence, he states that "a gun is twenty-two times more likely to discharge a bullet into a member of the household than into an intruder."
My personal opinion is in favour of gun control. Although I do agree with some points that the opposition make e.g. that even if guns are banned, there will still be gun crime. However, I do not think that gun control would increase due to the restriction, for example like the outcome of prohibition, therefore I agree that although gun crime will not cease, it would surely at least decrease with gun control in effect and thus it is my opinion that gun control is positive.
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